Phone Manual
How would you rate the impressions has your brand message or content received across various digital channels (e.g., display ads, social media posts, search engine results) in the past quarter?
Low visibility
Recent improvement
Insufficient awareness
Positive progress
Strong visibility
How effectively is your brand reaching and engaging your target audience with your digital campaigns or content in terms of unique users or audience reached in the past quarter?
Limited reach
Improved reach
Below benchmarks
Growing reach
Strong reach
How effectively is your brand driving website traffic and attracting visitors to your website in the past quarter?
Low traffic consistently
Inconsistent with spikes
Needs improvement, consistent
Meeting benchmarks, potential
High traffic consistently
How frequently is your brand mentioned or discussed on social media platforms in the past quarter?
Rare or non-existent
Infrequent but improving
Moderate with potential
Frequent and consistent
Abundant and impactful